Speak the Truth and Set the Path

Reflection by Xavier “Xavi” Luis Burgos, former editor of QOS, Class of 2012 “Pueblo que olvida su pasado no alcanzaránunca la grandeza de sus fines.” – José De Diego In my life, there is no political work that I have internalized the most than that of taking the leadership of Que Ondee Sola (QOS) and […]
Oscar López Rivera Reflection on QOS

Oscar López Rivera Decorated Vietnam Veteran, community activist and Puerto Rican political prisoner; serving his 31st year of federal prison for struggling for Puerto Rican independence. The fact that we are commemorating the 40th anniversary of Que Ondee Sola illustrates how significant the founding of this publication has been for our community and for Puerto […]
Mexican Roots Uplift Puerto Rican Passion

Mexican Roots Uplift Puerto Rican Passion Irma Romero Former editor, Class of 1982 By Reina M Salcedo Irma Romero, a 72-year-old Mexican woman, has helped shape the lives of not only students from NEIU but in her community as well. Irma realized that helping her Puerto Rican brothers and sisters was of crucial importance during […]
Forty years of an ever lasting struggle…From the beginning

Jaime Delgado Former QOS staff, former advisor, Proyecto Pa’lante. Class of 1976 Program Director, 72 Block by Block Program by Brandon Thomas Being that I am a relatively new addition to the Que Ondee Sola (QOS) team the sheer magnitude of what I had the honor of doing has actually brought a new light to […]
“A Real Desire to be a Part of Meaningful Work”

Reflection by Myra Rodríguez, former staff writer/ artist for QOS I began attending NEIU in the fall of 2004 and was a full-time student. That first year involved attending class and quickly leaving campus to continue with my life. I felt no real connection to my university outside of the classroom. But, in the fall […]
QOS and UPRS is uniquely prepared to lead…

J. Marcos Vilar Former editor, student-at-large by Josue Contreras Marcos Vilar, 48, currently works for Mi Familia Vota, a non-partisan national organization that increases civic engagement among Latinas/os in the United States. Born in Ponce and raised in Carolina, Puerto Rico until the age of 14, he lived in several U.S. cities afterwards, including Chicago, […]
Our Word is Our Weapon

Michael Rodríguez-Muñiz, former Editor of QOS and President of UPRS Forty long years of struggle and resistance, of stubborn defiance, make possible the commemoration of the Union for Puerto Rican Students (UPRS) and Que Ondee Sola (QOS). When I first entered E-041, as a first semester NEIU student, these organizations were roughly 26-years-old. I was […]
Time Well Spent

Yvonne Nieves Former editor, Class of 2006 I had the pleasure of serving as the Editor of Que Ondee Sola (QOS) from 2003-2006. During that time, I simultaneously served as the President of the Union for Puerto Rican Students (UPRS), while working toward my BA in Anthropology at Northeastern Illinois University (NEIU). This experience helped […]
Looking forward to the next 40 years…

Juan “Nito” Morales Editor, Class of 2013 As a student and current editor of Que Ondee Sola, I have been captivated by theorist Frantz Fanon’s statement: “each generation must, out of relative obscurity, discover its mission, fulfill it, or betray it.” This speaks to the ongoing struggle, displayed by past and current members, to build […]
“El Poeta de la Division”

Interview with Eduardo Arocho, former Editor of QOS By Abraham Esparza A poet, activist, and community leader are some of the roles that Eduardo Arocho plays in the neighborhood of Humboldt Park. He currently serves his community as the Executive Director of Division Street Business Development Association. From that position he takes care of services […]
Memories That Shaped Who I Am

Lourdes Lugo Former editor, Class of 1988 By the time I started at NEIU, my political and community work had begun, so naturally I gravitated to Que Ondee Sola as the space that allowed me to form the intellectual aspect of that work. While working in Que Ondee Sola I had to learn to write […]